“Why wouldn’t she be able to?”, I asked.
“Because she’s so skinny?”
That question reminded me of something I found very interesting and, quite frankly, peculiar during our own pregnancy with our daughter Delilah. I noticed that an enormous amount of fear and caution is circulated among new, expecting mothers. Downs syndrome, Tay-Sachs, birth defects, emotional scarring, miscarriages, preschool enrollment – you name it, there was a precaution for it. Quite the bit of nail biting involved.
I have to say that I find it a bit counterproductive. I see where it comes from; liability is a grave concern among doctors, especially OB/GYN docs. As I understand it, obstetricians have the highest malpractice premiums of all doctors simply because they are the most often sued. Think about it: a child is born with a birth defect – gotta blame somebody, right? That’s the American way. Couldn’t be destiny or have greater, let’s say, spiritual meaning now could it? Nor could it possibly be a blessing – for the child and the parents. Nah – it’s gotta be the doctor’s fault. Sue him!
Here’s what I always say: It’s true, things do happen. And it’s always better to be safe than sorry, so testing is o.k. But let’s lighten up a bit. Don’t go through your pregnancy freaked out. Consider this: There are starving women in Africa having babies, and many survive. The human body is incredibly resilient, so for the most part, everything should be o.k. If you happen to fall within the small percentage of there being “a problem”, then I think it’s wiser to look at the deeper implication; the deeper meaning, if you will. It’s still a blessing. You just have to see it as such.
As far as Nicole Richie is concerned, I have a confession to make. I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to say Nicole Richie in my blog. Paris, you’re next.