Here’s to another great year of health and wellness news and information in 2009. Thank you to all my readers for your support. Let’s recap the best of the year:
We started the year off by talking about health care reform, and what direction I thought the country should take. I agreed with then Health and Human Services Secretarial Nominee, Tom Daschle, when he proposed that we need to make illness prevention “hot,” and wellness “cool.” Indeed! But Daschle failed to pay his taxes, and we got stuck with a Secretary who decided to focus on the swine flu. Harrumph–another lost opportunity.
All-time greatest NFL wide receiver, Jerry Rice, plugged chiropractic. So did Philadelphia Phillies pitcher, Cole Hamels! Chiropractic was shown to improve high blood pressure.
Seasonal flu, the most over-hyped illness on the planet got bumped in banality by…SWINE FLU! Interestingly, the former was pegged for years as the next “great epidemic,” and vaccinations were being touted as the only savior. But just like I said in ’07 and ’08–not! Flu is flu is flu is flu…people listened, and flu shots were way down in ’09.
We had a lot of fun with some stories:
- 20/20 did a piece on children in Central Appalachia and their attachment to Mountain Dew. This happened to be one of my most “hit” pieces.
- People injecting cooking oil into their faces to enhance their looks?!?!
The resurgence of bedbugs in America (this piece was so popular an Orkin rep asked to link it to their site…I told them I don’t do product endorsements…although, everything is negotiable).
- Vibrators improve sex lives.
- Moobs!
- Spider venom wood hardener.
- Pet cat caught swine flu.
I talked a lot about chiropractic and adjusting my children. Lot’s of pics and videos.
I was NOT a fan of socialized health care, and gave lots of reasons why here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here).
Lots of celebrities died in ’09–Danny Gans, Billy Mays, DJ AM, and Brittany Murphy. I only focused on possible drug overdoses, purposely staying away from Michael Jackson’s.
A few notable non-celebrities also died–Ashtanga yoga guru K. Pattabhi Jois, abortion doctor George Tiller, Pulitzer prize winning author Frank McCourt,
I talked about some of my health practices–dietary, fitness, and physiological. And I touted the many health benefits of feeling sick.
My favorite health story of 2009: Dads Are Key to Making us Human
Story that pissed me off the most: Chiropractic Left Off Health Care Reform
Most hysterical: Heroin Best Treatment for Addiction
Least hysterical: Drug Deaths New Number One Killer
Thank you for making Optimal Health one of the premier health and wellness blogs on the net. Thank you for the many comments and participation from my readers here and on Facebook! 2010 promises to be another exciting and interesting year in the world of health. Remember it’s your health, better understand it.