Currently viewing the tag: "health care crisis"

Chiropractic is spreading like wildfire, and not a moment too soon. Chiropractic colleges are opening up all over the world.

We are in a health care crisis, and it has nothing to do with health insurance. People for too long have been sold an outside-in health philosophy. Wrong! Healing, health and life express themselves from above-down-inside-out, or ADIO in the chiropractic vernacular. The world is catching on. Great!

Quick historical fact: Chiropractic was founded in the United States (Davenport, IA) in 1895. Naturally, American chiropractic colleges predominate with 18 schools located throughout the U.S.

According to the latest issue of Dynamic Chiropractic, however, a big push has been underway over the last fifteen years to bring chiropractic education to the entire world.

There is now a chiropractic college on every continent except Antarctica.

And that means chiropractors all over the world helping people achieve and maintain optimal health, naturally, from above-down-inside-out. Chiropractors all over the world spreading the ADIO philosophy–true health, true health care–now that’s a proactive solution to the health care crisis.

Here is a list of the fourteen countries hosting twenty-two chiropractic colleges:

  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Denmark
  • France
  • Japan
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • New Zealand
  • Republic of Korea
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom

Booyah! Chiropractic education worldwide promises a healthier future for all.

Time to get serious, people. Forty percent of all cancers are preventable. Listen up: 4.8 million cancer cases do not have to happen. Get it? You are in charge of your health. Health is NOT random. If you are living by that philosophy, you’re sunk.Is there a health care crisis? You bet. The crisis lies in the idea that you are not responsible for your own health, or your health care. Forty percent of all cancers are preventable. This from a report by the Geneva-based International Union Against Cancer (UICC). As UICC president David Hill says, “If there was an announcement that somebody had discovered a cure for 40 percent of the world’s cancers, there would quite justifiably be huge jubilation.” No kidding.

OK, so what can you do? First, let’s look at the top three cancers:

What can you do today that can help prevent these cancers tomorrow?

The first thing you want to do is observe your diet. Minimize processed foods, or better yet, get rid of them altogether. Whole and natural is best. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Take your vitamins. Drink lots of water (two liters per day, minimum).

Next, minimize or quit smoking. Minimize smoking? Exactly, most people that smoke can’t do so moderately, so kick it altogether. Try breathing clean air, too. How about an air purifier? Don’t minimize their usefulness. If you own a home in Los Angeles, contact me, I’ve got a guy that can set you up.

Minimize alcohol, recreational drug, and pharmaceutical drug consumption. These substances are toxins to the body. Stress the liver and kidneys and you’ll be increasing your cancer risk (among other illnesses) exponentially. Alcohol can cause many different forms of cancer–2-4% of all cancers to be exact–including esophageal, stomach, liver, breast, colon and others. And don’t underestimate the drugs your doctor gives you; they’re poisons, too.

Maintain a healthy weight. I’m not one to lay on the guilt trips, so simply put, if you are overweight, just lower it by something. My dad dropped from 225 to 190. He’s still about 25 pounds overweight, but that drop he made was significant to his health.

Exercise regularly. C’mon now, if you are not doing this you are missing out on so many health benefits that, well…you’ve got nobody to blame but…OK, no guilt trips. Just do it.

Get plenty of healthy sun, but don’t overdo it. Listen, we all need the vitamin D, and we now know more than ever how much so. But sun worshiping, tanning beds, Jersey Shore…puleeze! Be smart, protect yourself–safe sunning is the only way to go.

There you have it: You are in control of your health. Health is not random. There is a health care crisis, and it’s that far too many people neglect some very basic health enhancing behaviors. My book, The Six Keys To Optimal Health, has these and hundreds of other tips to prevent cancer and live a life of health and vitality. You can direct your health: you are responsible for the health you have and maintaining it. Nobody else.

Copyright © 2013 Dr. Nick Campos - All Rights Reserved.