Hey, try my new workout…designed by Navy SEALs. Oh, and my new supplements…designed by Navy SEALs. And I’ve got this great new chiropractic adjustment…yup, you guessed it, designed by Navy SEALs. In fact, if YOU have anything you’d like to sell, just add the line “designed by Navy SEALs” to the title or label and voilà, instant top seller.
I’m laughing at all the stuff Navy SEALs seem to have time to design–from training programs (two major ones I’ve found–I guess Navy Seals North and South have competing workouts) to exercise equipment, to diets (swear), fighting two wars hasn’t stopped this elite fighting force from providing YOU, the American consumer, a kick-ass fitness routine.
C’mon, anybody can be a Navy SEAL! Just do the workout…see!
“Designed by Navy SEALs,” along with “organic,” “all natural,” “hormone-free,” and other BS labels are a way to market products. Hey, I’m not knocking it, I’m just enjoying the absurdity of it all. If you want to believe that your new program is designed by the Navy SEALs (as opposed to some dude who was simply in the Navy SEALs, and is now laughing all the way to the bank), then be my guest. Just watch out for the Green Berets.
This blog brought to you by UC Berkeley Molecular Biologists.