More stupidity coming out of the flu shot camp this year. Same old propaganda. Here’s the deal according to experts: You’re an idiot if you don’t get the flu shot. All your reservations against getting the flu shot are false. Not one thing you think negatively about the flu shot is proven, but get this…the flu shot is based on sound evidence. Har, har, har. Sounds like today’s best political style–if they disagree, denigrate them.
According to a recent report, many Americans are planning to bypass the flu shot this year. A survey conducted by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) found that 43% of Americans will not be getting a flu shot this season. Additionally, a second study found that one-third of American mothers said they have no plans to get a flu shot for their children. Booyah!
I love it. But the medical establishment doesn’t. They’ve been ramming the flu shot malarkey down our throats for years, and they are WRONG! Wrong. I’ve been reporting on this sham for the last four years. Every year they say the same thing. 2007 saw record flu shots given, yet the incidences of flu were off the charts. The shot gave little protection that year. In 2008, people kept away from the bull shot. Guess what? Flu cases went down! Get it?
I’ve said this before, getting the flu strains right* in any particular year is very much like predicting the weather–it’s a crap shoot. It’s freakin’ bogus. But what really offends me is the arrogance by which the establishment belittles people who see this and choose not to swallow the BS being fed to them.
“Flu is serious. Every year millions of people get sick; more than 200,000 people are hospitalized and thousands of people die from influenza,” Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Yes, sick people, unhealthy people, immunocompromised people and malnourished children. My children have had the flu every year–they’re alive. God bless their immune systems. If you want a flu shot–go get one; it’s available. We’ll pass, though, thank you. Are we stupid? OK, I’ll take that under consideration.
Flu expert Dr. Marc Siegel believes that many people who opt not to get a flu shot are falling prey to myths about the vaccine. “It’s all because of this nonsense that’s been circulating that somehow the flu shot is dangerous.”
No doctor, listen up: It’s because the seasonal flu shot is bogus. Plain and simple. Wake up.
And his thoughts on the belief of some people that hand-washing helps prevent spread of the flu: “The idea that you are not going to spread the flu by washing your hands has never been proven,” Siegal noted.
And the sham that getting a flu shot prevents the flu has not only never been proven, it fails to do so many years–think 2007-2008.
I’ll keep reporting on this nonsense every year until the numbers of rejecters reaches high eighty percent. Until then, hats off dissenters. Glad you recognize the agenda.
* This year’s shot will contain the H1N1 strain…the same one they had to burn last season because nobody wanted. Guess they found use for it. How does it feel to be part of a massive public health experiment?