Currently viewing the tag: "knee pain"

Knee pain is not uncommon in athletes, particularly in sports that require lots of sharp cuts and turns like basketball, football and soccer. But even the amateur and non- athlete are prone to knee pain and injury. Walk or run for health purposes and increase your susceptibility to knee pain and injury. In fact, people who are not regular exercisers, but pick up activity to get back into shape, are at a higher risk for knee injury, and when it happens it can be the killer of any future exercise regimen. So what to do? The following are the seven most important steps to take when you feel knee pain or suffer an injury:

Get evaluated by a sports chiropractor

Get evaluated by a sports chiropractor

The first step is to get evaluated by a professional. There can be a simple fix for some knee pain, but not caring for your injured knee properly can make things worse, and leave you susceptible to further damage (some irreparable without surgery). Being evaluated, at the very least, will set you in the right direction, and might even solve your problem without the knife.

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Being an avid exerciser for decades, as well as a sports chiropractor for going on fifteen years, I have seen my fair share poor form SNAFUs. Improper form when working out can lead to injuries, from the minor, to the severe, to the flat-out serious. Here are ten of the worst offenders causing sports injuries to walk into my West Hollywood Sports Chiropractic Clinic:

hamstring (Copy)

Wrong! Rounding the back while stretching hamstrings can lead to herniated discs. I know he’s old; he probably shouldn’t be doing that version…find the stretch right for your level.

stand-ham-stretch-male (Copy)

Perfect! Back straight and leg at proper height to maintain arch. No matter which version you do, maintaining back arch of utmost importance.


Clicking at the knee is a common complaint walking into my West Hollywood sports chiropractic office.  Although a couple sites on the knee are potential origination points, I find that the most common area of occurrence is at the kneecap (patella) itself.  Knee clicking coming from the knee cap is usually painless, but it can eventually lead to breakdown of the cartilage underneath the patella itself, which can be painful.

Despite being painless in the early stages, knee clicking can be disconcerting, so those experiencing it want answers.  I’ve cut the video below to explain clicking knee coming from the patella.  In a nutshell, knee clicking comes from a tracking disorder of the patella on the femur and tibia on bending and straightening the knee.  The disorder is usually due to a muscular imbalance of the quadriceps muscles, specifically the vastus lateralis, which gets strong or overactive, and the vastus medialis, which gets weak or under active.  The vastus lateralis, being the strong one, will thus pull the kneecap toward the outside of the leg on knee extension leading to a…”click.”

The way to fix knee clicking is by strengthening the vastus medialis relative to the vastus lateralis.  Watch the video below to see the best exercise to correct clicking knees due to a tracking disorder or muscular imbalance.  Remember, not fixing your knee clicking problem can lead to future degeneration, pain and disability, so start exercising now to click no more.

Knee pain happens. Athletes and weekend warriors might find themselves with swollen, painful knees due to sports injury or simple overuse. Knee pain and swelling often needs to be checked by a sports chiropractor, but you can do some things at home that can help the healing process and prevent the painful knee from becoming a chronic injury.

Icing the knee at the painful injury site (see video) for 15 minutes at a time is crucial. Ice will decrease knee swelling and prevent the rapid formation of scar tissue. Ice saves–don’t forget this principle. Wrapping the pained knee in an ACE bandage will provide stability and prevent further knee injury. Then staying off the knee–NO SPORTS!–is essential.

Swelling can signify a torn knee ligament–like the ACL (anteriorcruciate ligament), PCL (posteriorcruciate ligament), MCL (medial cruciate ligament) or LCL (lateral cruciate ligament). Ligament tears can be rehabilitated conservatively, thereby avoiding knee surgery. A torn meniscus can also be conservatively treated. Meniscal tears can go through knee therapy and rehab successfully, but what is necessary is a proper knee diagnosis. If what you have is a simple knee sprain, then ice, therapy and rehab will get you back into your sport quickly.

If you have a painful knee injury get in to see a sports chiropractor right away. If you live or work in my neighborhood, come visit my Los Angeles, West Hollywood or Beverly Hills sports chiropractic office for knee pain relief today.

Knee pain is a common injury in athletes, especially tennis and basketball players, as well as dancers. Knee pain comes in many forms, but if it is along the perimeter of the knee and feels sore or burning, then it is possible that a patellar tendonitis is the cause (also known as Jumper’s Knee).

Tendinitis is rarely a primary condition–it is usually secondary to something else. In the case of patellar tendonitis, the primary cause could be either tight muscles or foot dysfunction. To find out what is causing your knee pain, it is important to get evaluated by a doctor, preferably a sports chiropractor.

Watch the video above to see how we treat patellar tendinitis in my Los Angeles, Beverly Hills and West Hollywood sports chiropractic clinic.

While flexibility is important for joint opening, strengthening the surrounding knee musculature contributes to improved stability, along with gains in power, speed and balance:

Knee strengthening
Knee strengthening

Wall squats and lunges (graduating from static to walking) can strengthen leg muscles (along with glutes and other surrounding pelvic muscles), as they are compound movements (groups of muscles working together).

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Finally if you have an underlying foot dysfunction (overpronation or over-supination) you increase your susceptibility to knee injury due to faulty biomechanics and diminished proprioception. Foot dysfunction can be helped immensely by a good orthotic shoe insert.

Custom made orthotics to help knee pain

Custom made orthotics to help knee pain

Custom orthotics are best, and for that you will need to visit a professional (like a sports chiropractor or podiatrist). Don’t let your knee pain or injury become chronic, as that can lead to irreversible damage requiring surgery. Follow these tips and keep your athletic performance pain free.

West Hollywood Chiropractor Knee Pain
Flexibility is important to joint health, and never more true than with the knee. While undoubtedly every person is different, most people can benefit from some form of stretching, as it is the most effective way to preserve the ‘openness’ of the knee joint. Watch the video below to see four increasing levels of quadriceps stretches. Find the one that’s right for you, and gently open the knee by stretching this main knee extensor regularly:

Flexibility is not the same as instability, so over-stretching is not recommended. Light stretching of the muscles surrounding the knee—which includes the hamstrings and calf muscles (gastrocnemius & soleus)—will do your knees a world of good.

*Some athletes actually perform better in tightness (power sports or positions), so consult with your athletic trainer if you are uncertain about flexibility/non-flexibility needs.

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Many athletes have previous ligament injuries, not bad enough for surgery, but enough to cause pain and stability concerns. Since ligament tissue does not recover from deformation, any previous sprain can leave an athlete’s ligaments a bit looser than before. In these cases, a simple knee brace might make all the difference.

Knee brace

Knee brace

Watch the NBA or NFL and you will see loads of braces: Some athletes have even had complete tears repaired, and thus a brace can prolong a playing career.

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Beverly Hills Chiropractic Knee PainOne of the most important things you can do to strengthen and stabilize the knee is to condition the proprioceptive system. One-legged balance is a great place to start, but you might want to learn the ‘short foot‘ beforehand.

Proprioception is a major part of our balance mechanism, and so conditioning it will improve your ability to cut, turn, jump and land without one part of your body going one way, while another goes the other way. Proprioceptive training is good prevention, period (and good rehab too!).

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When suffering a knee injury you want to ice the knee as soon as possible. Place an ice bag on the area of pain (use a paper towel between your skin and the ice) for fifteen minutes. Do this one to several times per day and visit a sports doctor ASAP

Ice knee pain

Ice knee pain

Ice breaks inflammation; in some cases it may be enough to remove pain completely, even if only for a few hours. You may still need to be evaluated by a sports chiropractor, however. If you are an athlete, the next step is for you:

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